Spring Break bitches

My roommate is studying a semester in Long Beach, California and I went to visit her when it was Spring Break. This was my second time coming to California, where I went to Los Angeles and San Diego, so coming to Long Beach was very different. It's a really quiet suburb imo. We went on a roadtrip to San Francisco and I really enjoyed it. San Fran is such a great place! Def my favorite city in California. On our way home we also stopped in Santa Barbara. My last weekend visiting her, we took to Las Vegas to celebrate my roomie's boyfriend birthday (he's also been studying a semester in California, but he's been living in Hollywood). It was a really incredible place, with all the lights and people. It reminded me a lot of Macau, where I was in December 2012 when I was with my family on vacation in Hong Kong.

lørdag den 15. juni 2013 @ 06.43 / 0 comments

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